Friday, May 26, 2006

conversations of a three year old

or should i say random hillarious outbursts?
today i took off work to attend a temple sealing (best sealing i've ever attended, EVER, it was excellent). when i got back to my apartment it was only two o'clock. i am never home at two o'clock. i called up my best friend, who is a stay at home mom, because i figured we could play while the sun is still out (and we never get to do that).
we went for ice cream ("I want CHOC-olate ice cream" she says with big giant doe eyes). there was chocolate ice cream everywhere, i got up for more napkins four times. the little 11 month old just thought that ice cream was the best thing ever, and the high chair could hardly contain her excitement.
then, on to purchase a new bathing suit for the three year old at tar-ghey. she loved taking the bathing suits off the racks, and saying how pretty they were, and throwing them on the floor. "what do you think about this one mommy?" TOSS "i like this one, it is *pink*" TOSS "oooooo ruffles" TOSS it appears that three year olds have short attention spans, especially for bathing suits. the 11 month old just though that bathing suits were the best thing ever, and the seat on the shopping cart could hardly contain her excitement. while mom was busy trying to picked up the tossed bathing suits.
mom: "11 m.o. you are *nutty*"
3 y.o: "so's your head"
imporant side note: 3 year old is only allowed to watch television like once a week for limited hours (seriously, i'm not sure about the numbers here but her mom is kinda crazy about this)
while driving home, out of complete and utter silence, she shouts "pbs kids", and then entertains herself with "cbs kids" "tbs kids" "dbs kids" etc. and finally "h-i-j-k-l-m-n-o-p kids" after the last one my friend and i just started cracking up. this only put fuel on her fire, and she continued. things died down and we continued talking while she was making up songs, and words, and giggling. after a while i notice that she is whispering something over and over, i stop talking and listen. "candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy, candy" whispered almost inaudibly.
important side note: 3 year old is only allowed to eat candy like once a week for limited pieces (seriously, i'm not sure about the numbers here but her mom is kinda crazy about this)
i'm thinking that the CHOColate ice cream had some effect to this erratical behavior, and boy was my friend acting nutty later ("so's her head") seriously, like the laughter that usually ensues around 1am started happening around 9:30. she blamed her allergy medicine, but the jury is still out on that one. her hubby jests that she escaped from the looney bin.
one of the best days in a LONG time, topped off with baskin robbins ice cream. there is nothing better than a day that begins and ends with ice cream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was not aware that your best friend is a three year old! I find that totally awesome. (so's your head!) This was a good entry.

love ya