Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I had plans to post on my recent trip to the hospital, but I feel that this matter is much more important. (and please bear with me, I just typed this whole long post and my computer ate it.)
recently on the blogs that I read there has been much discussion about "modesty". although I’m not a mom ... yet. I’ve always felt very strongly in that matter. I don’t think that this is necessarily just an issue with our kids, although there is an issue with that. I don’t ever shop for little girls clothes, but I have seen some in passing that make me sick. Why do people, and clothing retailers and manufacturers feel the need that we as parents want our six years olds looking like teenagers? They don’t need "sex appeal" they are little girls and need to remain that way.
While I was working as a pattern maker in a custom bathing suit shop there was an order for a bathing suit for a one year old. It was for a bikini with a thong bottom. Yes you read that right. Why in the world would someone want to look at a one year olds bottom in a thong? Where would the diaper go? How could that be comfortable on such a small child (let alone, an adult)? It was disgusting, but I had to make it.
Yes it is a problem for our girls, but I also think it is our problem as well. We as women and mothers need to be the example to our children and the children around us that modesty is important. We need to show them the correct way to dress. It is easy to be modest if you truly desire to and we need to be the examples.
Modesty has always been an issue for me, I struggled with it as a teenager, but now as an adult I see it’s importance. So much so, that I started a business completely based on modesty. Check it out: http://www.jocole.net./ They are shirts designed to perfectly cover you in all of the right places. They are reversible, which means, that if you wear it one way it was a modest scoop neckline, or if you flip it around it has an even higher neckline. And they have an extra extra long length. You can wear them alone, are with the latest styles without compromising modesty. They are designed to expand your wardrobe options – while keeping your cleavage, back and stomach covered.
The clothing that we wear reflects who we are. Modesty in our dress is a virtue we should not put aside because of today’s fashions. I value modesty in ones appearance. My goal is to provide clothing that women of all ages can feel good about wearing. I don’t believe that you have to choose between dressing modesty and dressing fashionably. How we dress is an expression of who we are. Everyone has their own unique style, and my products empower women to express themselves by choosing the clothes that they love AND still be modest.
If you feel like reading more in the matter, you can check out:
I feel very strongly about this subject, and I think we all should.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you and I think your business plan is a great idea! I was totally grossed out the other day when I saw THONG UNDERWEAR for little girls. There's something so wrong about that....