Friday, August 04, 2006


here are some pictures of some of the people who i enjoy in my life (notice, not everyone is included and there will be other posts)

This is a picture of me and some of the girls that I teach at church. Markie, Callie, Me and Brittany. yes those are twins and they are awesome. Callie thinks she's a twin, thereby making them triplets, and they have brought me into thier little club and say we can be quadruplets. It amazes me that these girls think i'm cool enough to hang with, despit our age differences (although, yes i know i still LOOK like i'm 12) . they call me to go shopping, and hang out. great great great girls. love them. and the other day they invited me to a sleepover. unfortunately because of my "delicate condition" i have to go to bed by 10 o'clock or else i die, so i declined. but it's nice to be invited.

Hannah, Isabelle, Abigail, and Claire (also known as: Hannah, Belly (Izzy if i feel like making her mommy mad at me), Biga and LaLa). My neices, love love love them. I only ever really see Hannah, the others live too far away, so it only about once a year. Hannah is my favoite neice, big sister to the goober you see pictured below. Yes, i do have favorites, but only because I see them more than the others. Plus, Hannah gave me my favorite nickname. If i ruled the world, I would make everyone else call me that... although come to think about it, it might not be as special that way. She's a freaking cutie, and i love her to death.

Adam ... my only (for one more month) nephew, cutest smile in the whole world. he won't say my name yet, but he smiles everytime i say it, plus the only word i have ever heard him say is "woah". love love love this boy.

1 comment:

Kerstin said...

Those kids are so stinkin cute! Your nephew looks alot like Nicole, and Heidi's girls look just like her.