Monday, February 11, 2008

more cleaning - small victories!

alright, this hasn't been recent as i've been feeling not so great on my feet lately. arg, hopefully this passes soon. i don't remember being like this when i was pregnant with aidan (but robby says i was). needless to say i need to get cracking as we are having a party here at my house on saturday for aidan's birthday, wish me luck!!
i finally got my kitchen table cleaned off, no more christmas decorations out, huzzah!! (notice the clean counters in the background, nice!)

this picture does not even come close to showing how badly we needed to clean out rob's side of the closet! seriously, not even close. there is a MOUNTAIN of clothes hiding behing the door on the left -- which now has almost all been moved to a DI pile in another corner, maybe i'll post that picture later. needless to say rob's closet now looks better!

well i picked up aidan's toys in the living room, it looks much better now! he seems pleased!

next up, clean off the backside of "the barricade" also known as the dumping ground for my business stuff. and clean of my beloved printer, poor guy!!


Nicole Shelby said...

Love the after-table pic...with your still-clean counters in the background. Love the pic of happy aidan with his clean space.
Love ya

Unknown said...

Come on now really how long do you think the toys are going to stay clean like that? I pretty much have given up. Let them stay out so he can get to them.

Anonymous said...

Are you PREGNANT?? WHAT WHAT?? ;) So.. I found you YET AGAIN... I am your stalker!! HAAAA!! JK!! You are cute stuff!! ;)

Anonymous said...

So are you preggo? HUH HUH? So cute... so I am your stalker!! JK!! Hope things are good your way!! ;)