Thursday, October 05, 2006

job security

i recently learned something interesting and i thought that i would share it with all of you. have you ever wondered how the tooth fairy got her job, or why she still -- after all these years -- has a job. yeah, i've never wondered about that either, but my 4 year old neice has wondered about her job security. the story was related to me by my sister and it has to be the funniest thing that i've heard in a LONG time. this is how the conversation plays out in my head.
sister: blah, blah, blah, and then we stick the tooth under our pillows and the tooth fairy comes and takes it and leave us money.
hannah: why does the tooth fairy want our teeth?
sister: hmm, i dont know, what do you think?
hannah: why does she pay us for our teeth?
sister: hmm, i dont know, what do you think?
hannah: well, i think it's because her teeth always fall out, and she can't keep them in her mouth...
sister: wow, that's interesting.
hannah: ... and you can't eat dinner or talk without teeth. the tooth fairy likes to eat dinner and talk to she takes our teeth and uses them till they fall out, then she uses other teeth.
so there you have it, the tooth fairy needs our teeth so she can eat her dinner and talk. two very important things to a 4 year old. so next time you think about the tooth fairy, now you can now why she has such wonderful job security.


bunchkin said...

I've always wondered.......

Allysha said...

maybe it was the toothfairy who orchestrated the whole "losing your teeth" thing in the first place for her own benefit...

Jodi Jean said...

haha, orchestrated...

Unknown said...

LOL! I have always wondered about the tooth fairy. I mean, what makes some teeth worth 10 cents and others worth $10? Guess the cheapo parents have something to do with that. :-_

Unknown said...

I just re-read your tooth fairy post since you haven't written anything in a while and I still got a kick out of it. Funny, too, because just last night, I was pondering the sand man's origin and job security....